Small Scale Renewable Energy Certificates (STC)

Small Scale Technology Certificates, or STCs, are issued by the federal government as part of the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme. STCs are available for solar PV systems under 100kW.



Small-scale technology certifications are issued for qualified small-scale renewable energy systems, such as solar PV systems with a capacity of less than 100kW. The number of certificates generated is determined by the geographical location of the system, the date of installation, and the amount of electricity generated. One certificate represents one megawatt hour of qualified renewable energy output.

Certificates function as currency and can be sold to recoup some of the cost of purchasing and implementing the system. Cyanergy manages this process and includes the STC component in all proposals for solar PV systems.


Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STC) are mainly generated when a solar PV system is smaller than 100kW.

Whereas, if the solar system is of 100kW or larger, it is counted as a Large-scale Generator and qualifies to claim LGCs on excess power generated by the system.

Access up to $50,000.00 in business solar rebates.


STCs are issued as part of the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). STCs may be available for small-scale solar (less than 100kW), wind, and hydro installations. The number of certificates issued is determined by the geographical location of the system, the date of installation, and the amount of power generated over one, five, or a single maximum deeming period.

What is the process?

One certificate represents one megawatt hour of qualified renewable energy generated or replaced by the system.

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