Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU)

Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) is a government program that promotes energy efficiency. Rebates or discounts on energy-saving products are available to both companies and householders.


The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program is helping Victorians cut power bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by giving households and businesses access to discounted or free energy-efficient products and services. The program works by setting a state-Wide target for energy savings that result in a range of energy-efficient products and services being made available to homes and businesses at a discount.

Accredited providers that deliver these financial incentives can generate Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs). The number of certificates generated is based on the greenhouse gas savings that are associated with the product or service. The level of incentive or discount received by households and businesses varies depending on the market activity and certificate price.

Products must be professionally installed by an approved provider. Incentives for the purchase of some appliances may be available at point of sale at participating retailers. Consumers should check with an accredited provider prior to purchase.

The Victorian Energy Upgrades program is a market-based program. Since it is a free market, the value of certificates can fluctuate due to consumer supply and demand rates, just like any other type of market. Consequently, the availability of products and services can also vary over time.

The Victorian Energy Upgrades program (previously the ’VEET scheme‘) is established under the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007, the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Regulations zoos and the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (Project-Based Activities) Regulations 2017.

This legislative framework places a legal requirement on energy retailer companies to meet an annual greenhouse gas emissions reduction target by surrendering Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates.

The program is administered by the Essential Services Commission (ESC), which is the independent regulator of the retail energy industry in Victoria. Its role is to oversee compliance and performance reporting by energy businesses and to accredit businesses and the products and services which are eligible under the program. More Information about the administration of the program can be found on the ESC website.

Benefits Of VEU Program

  • Save up to 90% on your lighting costs by installing more efficient lighting technology.
  • Recent developments in lighting technology, including LEDs and CFLs, mean that the lighting in your home can be powered more efficiently.
  • Not only will the latest energy-efficient lighting reduce your energy bill but it will also reduce your maintenance costs because new lighting technology lasts longer.
  • Victorian Government is committed to helping households and businesses reduce their bills by offering financial incentives for replacing your old lighting equipment.
  • By participating, you can save money on the upgrade costs, reduce your energy bill and help the environment.

Access up to $50,000.00 in business solar rebates.

How Does VEU Program Work?

  • Product discounts are granted through the yearly greenhouse gas reduction targets that the Victorian Government has set for our energy retailers.
  • To meet these targets, energy retailers must buy Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates that equal the amount of greenhouse gas that has been reduced or prevented from entering our atmosphere.
  • One certificate equals one tonne of greenhouse gas.
  • There is no catch, just avail the Govt incentive and enjoy savings on your lighting bills.


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