Get The Right
Schemes For Your Business
The government’s commercial solar grant scheme allows businesses to install solar systems with substantial subsidies. You can access up to $50,000 in business solar rebates.
Local Council Programs (LCP)
The Sustainable Australia Fund (SAF) works with Local Council Programs (LCP) to help Australian businesses unlock savings and sustainability ….
Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU)
Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) is a government program that promotes energy efficiency. Rebates or discounts on energy-saving products are ….
Federal Renewable Energy Target (RET)
The Renewable Energy Target is an Australian Government initiative aiming to minimize greenhouse gas emissions in the electrical energy ….
Large-Scale Generation Certificate (LGC)
A solar PV system with a capacity of more than 100kW is classified as a large-scale generator and may be eligible for LGCs.
Small Scale Renewable Energy Certificates (STC)
Small Scale Technology Certificates, or STCs, are issued by the federal government as part of the Small-Scale …
Access up to $50,000.00 in business solar rebates.
A range of Australian federal and state government environmental schemes are available, providing businesses with financial incentives to invest in energy efficiency or renewable energy projects. Cyanergy is experts in understanding what incentives are available to you and can include incentives and rebates in your energy efficiency proposal if eligible.
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