Join the Western Region Access Renewal Initiative:

Together, Reducing Costs for a Sustainable Future!


Western Region (NSW) Renewable Access Program

The Government offers incentives for transitioning to Renewable Energy, but the costs for tradesmen, delivery, and travel in Western Region (NSW) can erode these benefits. Our goal is to ensure that Regional Areas have equal access to Renewable Energy as their Metro counterparts, who benefit from shorter return on investment periods due to their location.

We invite the community to unite in the Western Region Renewable Access Program, aiming to collectively lower costs for everyone in their journey toward sustainability. 

Through the Western Region (NSW) Renewable Access Program Cyanergy will be supporting the Western Region Local Junior Landcare Program who currently support 24 schools and more than 1000 children.

How it Works


The NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) provides financial incentives to install energy efficient equipment and appliances in NSW households and businesses.


An energy saving certificates or ESC (pronounced “esky”) is created by an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP) for each one notional Megawatt hour (MWh) of energy saved by the project.


The Mandatory Scheme Participants i.e. Electricity Retailers obtain and surrender these certificates to meet their own legislated targets, as enforced by the NSW Government.


In short, the better the energy reduction, the larger the incentive.

Why Make the Sustainability Change?

Businesses in rural areas often face unique challenges and pain points when it comes to energy. These challenges can significantly impact their operations, sustainability, and overall success.
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1. Green Energy Transition

Green Energy Transition: Cyanergy specializes in renewable energy solutions, including solar panels, solar battery storage, hot water heat pumps, air conditioning units, and energy-efficient technologies. By partnering with us, Western Land Care NSW can transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, reducing your carbon footprint and demonstrating a commitment to the environment.
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2. Cost Savings

Switching to renewable energy and implementing energy-efficient practices can lead to substantial cost savings. These savings can be reinvested into your core initiatives, including community outreach and support for the Junior Land Care Program.
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3. Educational Opportunities

Collaborating with Cyanergy can offer valuable educational opportunities for your members and the broader community. We can organize workshops and informational sessions to raise awareness about renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable practices, aligning with the mission of the Junior Land Care Program.
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4. Community Impact

By harnessing clean energy and promoting energy efficiency, Western Land Care NSW can set an example for the community. This initiative will not only reduce your environmental impact but also inspire others to follow suit, fostering a culture of sustainability in the region.
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5. Supporting Junior Land Care Program

Partnering with Cyanergy allows you to allocate cost savings and resources towards the Junior Land Care Program. This support can help empower the next generation to become responsible environmental stewards and instil values of sustainability from an early age.

Why Partner with Cyanergy?

0 +
Number of commercial lighting projects completed
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Successfully Completed energy upgrade projects across Victoria and NSW.
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Electric Hot Water Heat Pump installations across NSW and VIC
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Number of commercial solar projects

Our Partners

Australian Government Dept. of Defensce

Our Energy Saving Solutions

Businesses in rural areas often face unique challenges and pain points when it comes to energy. These challenges can significantly impact their operations, sustainability, and overall success. 



Battery Storage

Hot Water


EV charging stations

How much will it cost?

Some products are free, some require a minimum contribution that equates to about 10% of the total project value, some grants cover about 40% and others receive ongoing funding through government incentives.

All projects will reduce your operating costs.

Grants can be anywhere from $1,000 to $250,000 depending on the project.

Project Timelines


Expressions of Interest – 3 months Community Engagement, Emails, letters

Businesses looking to participate will need to register their interest by going to “”landing Page” filling out the form and uploading an energy bill.


Eligibility Assessment – 1 month

Each business who has registered interest will be contacted by Cyanergy to asses what the business will be eligible for and explain what sort of grants will be available to them. Cyanergy will also gather all information required in order to apply for the grants.


Design and Proposal – 1 month

Cyanergy will scope, design and price the projects based on the information provided by each business and confirm eligibility for the grants. We will then combine all eligible projects and scope out a collective delivery for everyone involved.


Presentation of Projects – 1 month

Cyanergy to present the projects to all businesses showing cost, grants, financing options and returns.


Confirmation of Participation – 1 month

Each business will need to confirm participation in the program by this date and have all documents signed off, deposits paid if applicable and finance approved if applicable.


Site assessments – 1 month

Our Project Managers, Electricians, and Plumbers complete site, structural and engineering  assessments and submit network applications

Variations – 2 weeks

Some projects may require adjustments due to the findings of the assessments. These will be presented to each business to accept or reject.

Installation and Commissioning – 2 months

Cyanergy will install and commission all projects during this period.

Start saving on your energy bills and heavily reducing your carbon footprint.

Please Contact the Below for More Information or Fill in our Expression of Interest Form

Matthew Cooper

Register Your Interest Below

By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by our Cyanergy team member and receive communications from time to time. Please view our privacy policy for further information.

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