Solar FAQ

Why Cyanergy

Cyanergy is a legitimate company, proudly owned and operated in Australia. We are committed to providing exceptional service and unparalleled expertise in every project. From start to finish, we ensure seamless execution and deliver outstanding results with significant savings. 

  • The Cyanergy team is professional, accredited, and experienced.
  • Cyanergy offers installation of high-quality energy-efficient products and solar installations for both residential
  • properties (homes) and commercial premises (businesses and organisations).
  • Cyanergy services rural as well as metropolitan areas throughout NSW and Victoria.
  • We care about our customers and creating a sustainable future.
Let us help you save money and the environment – contact us today!

VEET Scheme Specific

The VEET scheme creates opportunities for you to upgrade selected products and appliances at a lower cost. With more energy efficient products, your energy use should drop, potentially leading to savings on your energy bills.

The Victorian Energy Upgrades Scheme, formerly known as the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) Scheme, is a Victorian Government initiative, also known as the Energy Saver Incentive. The VEU or VEET Scheme was established under the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 and is administered by the Essential Services Commission (ESC), in accordance with the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Regulations 2008.

The purpose of the VEU Scheme is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to encourage the efficient use of electricity and gas by making energy efficiency improvements more affordable, and to encourage investment, employment, and technology development in industries that supply energy efficiency goods and services. The VEU Scheme is not a rebate scheme, but it can save you money, in both your home and business/organisation.

Under the Scheme, certain registered businesses, known as “Accredited Persons”, create electronic certificates when they help you make energy efficiency improvements to your premises. These certificates are called Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs), and each certificate represents one tonne of greenhouse gases abated. Cyanergy is an Accredited Person (AP), and can, therefore, create VEECs. Please note that as with all APs, Cyanergy is not paid or employed by the Victorian Government, but must adhere to the Government’s strict VEU guidelines. Revenue is generated purely through the sale of created VEECs to liable third parties. These parties are generally known as “Relevant Entities”, and are often large energy retailers with a liability under the VEU Scheme.

Under the Scheme, the money APs make from selling their created VEECs can go towards a discount for the customer on the energy saving products or appliances installed. As the value of VEECs varies, and the percentage of that value the AP decides to pass on to you or your business/organisation is generally at the AP’s discretion, it pays to shop around.

Further information can be found on the following Victorian Government sites:

There isn’t one. Truly! There are no hidden fees or charges, and no obligations to choose any or more products (just choose the type of products you want installed from our range – whether that’s one type of product or all of them). We work strictly under the VEU guidelines, to the highest standards. Our team is professional and efficient, and we use only A-Grade electricians.

All our products are high quality, and have been tried and tested. All the light globes and LED downlights we install come with a manufacturer’s warranty. If you have any questions or concerns about our products, please give us a call on 1300198955.

Cyanergy prides itself on maintaining a friendly, polite, efficient and professional team. Our field team comprises a number of experienced installers and electricians.

All of our team members receive comprehensive Cyanergy training and work responsibly, closely following the Victorian Government’s strict VEU Scheme guidelines. Our installers and electricians are all registered under the VEU Scheme, and hold full business insurance. Additionally, all of our electricians are fully qualified, A-Grade electricians and each member of our team carry their Cyanergy photo ID for your peace of mind.

Any equipment required for the job will be discussed prior to the installation. Lifts, additional electrical equipment, add-ons for lights etc. As an Accredited Participant of the scheme since 2012, Cyanergy is allowed to create Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates to help energy consumers make selected energy efficiency improvements to their homes, business premises or other non-residential premises. Revenue generated through the sale of VEECs enables Cyanergy to offer energy consumers special benefits that may reduce the cost of undertaking these energy efficiency improvements. We help you to save money and reduce your carbon emissions and ecological footprint. We do this by working under the VEET Scheme to install free energy-efficient and water-saving products in your home or business.

To discuss your needs and make an appointment, just call us on 1300198955, email us at or complete the contact form on this site. We will then arrange a suitable time for one of our installers or electricians to visit your property and fit in your new products.

After your installation, our friendly staff will give you a quick call to confirm that everything went smoothly and that you are happy with your new products.

  • VIC Government scheme regulated to 2030 (The VEU Act).
  • VIC Government Essential Services Commission (ESC) administers the scheme
  • VIC Department of Environment, Land, and Water Planning (DELWP) are responsible for the policy development of the scheme.
  • The scheme places an obligation on energy retailers to purchase VEECs
  • Energy Retailers face penalties for failing to meet (surrender) their quota of certificates
  • Certificate costs are recovered from consumers (through charges on their electricity bills)
The Scheme, marketed to the public as the Energy Saver Incentive, commenced on 1 January 2009 and is legislated to continue in three-year phase until 1 January 2030.

The VEET scheme works by allowing accredited businesses to create certificates when they help you make selected energy efficiency improvements to your premises. Each certificate – known as a Victorian energy efficiency certificate, or VEEC – represents one tonne of greenhouse gas abated and the money the accredited business makes from selling its certificates can go towards a discount on the product or appliance installed for you. Each year large energy retailers are required to purchase a set number of VEECs to fulfil their obligations under the scheme and then surrender those certificates to the ESC. The energy retailers may pass on to consumers all or part of the cost of meeting this obligation.

The VEET scheme is completely voluntary and there is no requirement for a consumer to participate.

VEET is not a rebate scheme. The money that leads to discounts under the VEET scheme does not come from the government, nor is it a fixed amount.

For an explanation of how the discount comes about, navigate to the How the Scheme Works section of this website. Alternatively, for information about how consumers can benefit from the scheme, head to the Energy Consumers page.

Savings will happen when the first light is upgraded. Unless you have real-time monitoring, your succeeding electricity invoices will show a lower usage amount. Another benefit is that traditional style lights generate more heat, therefore in summer, your air-conditioning units will be saving as well.

The VEET Scheme is applicable to different Tariff types and is continually including larger types. Our Initial Assessment will identify your level of suitability to gain Energy Efficiency Certificates. The value of each Certificate is dependent on a market trend and hence alters accordingly. Is my home or business eligible? To be eligible under the VEU Scheme:
  • Your home or business must be in Victoria,
  • The products you wish to have installed must not have been installed under the VEU Scheme at that address before, and
  • Existing products you wish to have replaced must not already be energy-efficient or water-saving products. For example, under the VEU Scheme, an existing water-saving showerhead cannot be replaced with a new water-saving showerhead.
Property owners, Body corporate and renters alike are eligible. It does not matter if you have had products installed under the VEET Scheme before if it was at a different property. Find Free of cost products by calling us on 1300198955 or filling the online form.

VEEC Partnership Specific

Cyanergy is an Accredited Person under the Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificate (VEEC) scheme and therefore has the ability to create VEEC’s for LED tube replacements in commercial premises.  We can complete all the necessary paper work and evidence collection to allow your installations to generate VEECs.

The VEET scheme is not a rebate scheme, so what you may have downloaded is a VEEC assignment form. The good news is that under the VEET scheme the paperwork is not your responsibility, an accredited business will take care of that for you. All you need to do is make sure you understand the benefit that business is offering you, and sign the VEEC assignment form when the business presents it to you following the installation. So discard the form you’ve downloaded and contact the accredited business you’re dealing with for clarification.

VEECs can only be created by parties approved as “Accredited Persons” by the scheme regulator. The regulator has a strict accreditation process and requires detailed evidence for each certificate creation. One needs to become an Accredited Person to claim VEECs. This can be a lengthy and time-consuming process with a considerable amount of paperwork involved. This is why most homeowners use a business already accredited by the ESC and assign their rights to create VEECs to that business, so the accredited business can perform all the necessary paperwork instead.

Search the Register of Participants for a list of businesses accredited through the scheme.

The Calculators on this website give an indication of how many VEECs can be created by a given energy efficient installation.

Before signing the VEEC assignment form, the consumer holds the right to a given number of VEECs but does not hold the VEECs themselves. Only an accredited business can bring VEECs into existence by creating them, and to do that, it needs the consumer to assign the rights to those VEECs over to it after an installation has taken place. Assigning the right to the VEECs to the accredited business is what the consumer does in exchange for the benefit or discount the business is offering.

If you’re concerned about getting the most out of the value of VEECs, speak to a range of participating businesses and find out what sort of incentives are available.

We provide a full-service offer as well as a VEEC creation only service.

In our full-service offer, we complete all of the paperwork and collect all of the evidence necessary to create VEECs.  All you have to do is tell us when you are starting the job and when you have finished and we look after everything else.

Our VEEC creation only service allows companies that are familiar with Commercial Lighting VEEC requirements to complete their own VEEC documentation and submit this to us through our online Service Portal to create the VEECs.

VEECs are traded every day in a live trading market and the value of VEECs moves up and down based on the prevailing market conditions.  You will be paid based on the number of VEECs registered by the regulator multiplied by the VEEC price we publish on our website at the time the VEECs are registered. From this, we deduct a fee per VEEC based on the level of service you have selected. We benchmark our VEEC price every day to ensure it is the highest available in the market. Please refer to our Fee Schedule to understand the fees applicable to our services.

Traders/ Installers Specific

The VEET Scheme is for Victorian Residential and Commercial electricity users to get reimbursement on Lighting and/or Equipment upgrades as well as ongoing Electricity Savings. Therefore as an installer, you can factor in this discount into your quotes to gain a competitive edge. Aside from that, Cyanergy strives hard to keep business simple and straight-forward. We can promptly provide Quality Proven Products at reduced costs. We have the experience of the VEET Scheme Process so installers can complete the job with no fuss. We will collect all necessary job information to ensure reimbursement is rapidly paid back.

If a business contacts you, you can check to see if they are on the Register of Participants, which means that they have been accredited by the ESC. If an installer contacts you at your house or business, ask to see their ID which should feature their name, the name of the accredited businesses they work for, and the business address. Be aware however, that the Energy Saver Incentive is not the only program in Victoria offering energy efficiency products and services to consumers. Other programs, such as those within local councils, also offer energy-saving light globes or showerhead exchange programs.

Remember, you do not have to let anyone into your house or business if you feel uncomfortable.

No, installers are employed by individual accredited businesses. However, the ESC takes negative installer behavior seriously and will follow up.

Product Specific

In most cases, the energy efficient appliance or product will need to be actually installed by the accredited business to be eligible for VEECs, even if you’re just replacing your light globes or shower rose.

Our A-Grade, fully qualified electricians will always perform the upgrade.

The colour of light can be selective from individual to individual or retail application for offices or business. We recommend seeing how different lights impact different areas so we can assure that our customers are selecting the correct colour. Please contact Cyanergy for assistance.

Cyanergy only supplies high quality products that have been tested and approved to meet Australian Standards to ensure the safest result despite our often harsh environment.

Yes, of course. Cyanergy products have their own respective warranty terms. Please contact us for product details.

Product warranties vary from 1-5 years. We can provide specific Product specifications on request. We also provide guaranties on our Installation works for Indoor and Industrial Lighting.

Cyanergy can offer dimming functions for specific lights. During our initial visit, we can recommend the right products for household or office requirements.

The first site visit often takes a couple of hours to document your existing Lighting Layout, Usage Patterns and Retailer Tariff rates. We will then provide a concise report presenting proposed Financial and Energy Savings for an upgraded installation.

We only use approved Elevated Working Platforms “EWPs” and complete Safe Work Method Statements “SWMS” in direct consultation. All decommissioned lighting and packaging waste is handled by our Waste Management Process to ensure minimal impact to our site.

Feel free to contact us to arrange a meeting. We will walk you through the entire process to get started. We always look forward to hearing from you.

NSW Energy Savings Scheme

The Energy Savings Scheme, also known as the ESS, is the NSW-based energy efficiency scheme, is designed to reduce energy consumption in NSW by providing financial incentives for NSW households and businesses. The scheme was established in 2009 under the NSW Electricity Supply Act 1995.

We help you save money and reduce your carbon emissions and ecological footprint by offering you incredible savings on the supply and installation of energy-saving and water-saving products in your home or small business.

  • Contact us to discuss your needs or get a savings assessment, just
  • Call 1300 198955
  • Email
  • Or complete the form
  • We can give you an assessment right away on the phone!
  • Book your installation and we will arrange a suitable time for one of our installers to fit in your new products.
  • After the installation, you will start saving money right away! Our friendly customer support staff will give you a call to check if everything went smoothly and if you are happy with your new products.

With the help of the NSW Legislation, the financial incentives are easily available for businesses to invest in energy savings projects. These projects are achieved by installing, improving or replacing equipment that reduces and saves energy. Once the project has been completed, an Energy Savings Certificate (ESC) is generated by an Accredited Peron, also known as an AP, this is Cyanergy’s core service, who then obtains and surrenders your energy savings certificate, which represents your energy savings.

An energy savings certificate, or ESC, pronounced ‘esky’, is essentially a digital environmental certificate represented by an alphanumeric number. Each certificate represents 1 tonne of CO2e (converted from MWh or GJ of energy savings)

This starts when inefficient lights are replaced with approved energy savings LED products by a licensed installer/installation company. Once done, the installer will then provide pertinent documents to Cyanergy based on the compliance requirements set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) NSW. Cyanergy will then process an audit of the requirements and if the upgrade is deemed compliant, an application for certificate registration is done. The VEECs can only be created by those who are accredited, such as Cyanergy. These are then sold to a liable party, such as an Energy Retailer.

Federal Renewable Energy Target (RET)

The Federal Renewable Energy Target scheme, also known as the RET Scheme, is an Australian scheme designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. It is a scheme available for the electricity sector and is designed to encourage additional generation from sustainable and renewable sources, such as solar, wind and hydro. Since January 2011 the RET scheme has operated in two parts – the Small scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) and the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET).

The Renewable Energy Target is broken into two separate schemes, both schemes, The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), and The Large-scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET) offer a financial incentive for the generation of electricity from renewable resources. A certificate is issued from an approved person, such as Cyanergy based on the megawatt-hour of power they generate. To find out more details about the schemes and certificates please read the other Frequently Asked Questions on Federal Renewable Energy Target.

  • The Federal Clean Energy Regulator (CER) administers the scheme
  • The Federal Department of Environment is responsible for policy advice.
  • The scheme places and obligation on liable parties (usually energy retailers) to purchase both LGCs and STCs. Their obligation is proportional to the amount of energy they sell.
  • Energy Retailers face Penalties for failing to meet (surrender) their quota of certificates
  • Costs recovered from consumers (through charges on their electricity bills)

The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme is part of the RET scheme. It is a financial incentive for individuals, small businesses and community groups to install smaller systems which produce electricity and/or deliver hot water. Small-scale may include, solar panels, solar water heaters, hydro systems, wind turbines and air source heat pumps.

An individual, small business or community group can install a small-scale system, such as rooftop solar, small-scale wind, solar hot water heaters and heat pumps. They are then eligible to receive government incentives.

A small-scale technology certicate, also known as a STC is a tradable commodity that is attached to approved and installed solar energy systems.

This starts when a small-scale renewable energy source is replaced by a licensed installer/installation company. Once done, the installer will then provide pertinent documents to Cyanergy based on the compliance requirements set by the Clean Energy Regulator. Cyanergy will then process an audit of the requirements and if the upgrade is deemed compliant, an application for certificate registration is done. The STCs can only be created by those who are accredited (an AP), such as Cyanergy. These are then sold to a liable party, such as an Energy Retailer.

The Large-scale Renewable Energy Target Scheme provides a financial incentive to establish or expand renewable power stations, such as wind and solar farms or hydro-electric power stations.

Accredited renewable power stations are entitled to create Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) based on the amount of eligible renewable electricity they produce above their baseline. This is for every megawatt hour of power they generate, thus creating the ‘supply’ side of the certificate market. This may include commercial rooftop solar systems over 100kW, and in some cases multiple smaller systems at a single facility.

A Large-scale Generation Certificate, or LGC, is a digital certificate, created per megawatt-hour (MWh) of eligible electricity generated by a power station.

Once your power station has been accredited you can create LGCs for the electricity generated from eligible renewable energy sources. One LGC is equivalent to one MWh of eligible electricity generated by the power station. The certificates are created on a sporadic basis throughout the year, or annually dependant on the need, however, LGCs are only claimable after the generation has occurred.

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