Commercial Solar In Australia: Boost Your Business Growth

For many businesses, using solar energy is becoming a more appealing way to reduce energy costs. Commercial solar power systems let companies produce their electricity from the sun, saving money on electricity bills. 

As companies aim to lower their carbon footprint and be more eco-friendly, commercial solar energy is a great solution. Here’s everything you need to know about commercial solar in Australia and how it boosts your business growth.  

If your business can pay its electricity bills, it can afford the cost of commercial solar power. 

Unlike homes, which use more energy early in the morning and the evening, most businesses use most of their electricity during working hours, from 9 am to 5 pm. 

Solar power for homes is well-known, but what about making your commercial property more eco-friendly and cost-effective?

What is a Commercial Solar System and How Does it Work?

Commercial solar systems work just like residential solar systems. Sunlight hits the solar panels, which excites the cells inside and generates DC power. This power is then sent to an inverter (or inverters) and changed into AC power for your business to use. 

Commercial solar systems are usually bigger than home systems because businesses often have more space. This means they can have more solar panels and produce more electricity. 

Any electric device in your business can use the clean energy you generate, saving you money. It’s that simple. 

Why the Power of Solar Panel Matters

Solar panels capture energy from the sun and turn it into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. Each solar panel has a specific capacity, so it’s important to choose panels that meet your business’s energy needs. 

Monitoring and Maintenance

Solar power systems are easy to maintain and don’t need daily cleaning. Simple cleaning is recommended, but avoid using harsh chemicals as they can damage the panels. 

Use non-abrasive materials to clean the panels to protect their surface. Keep the area around the panels clean to prevent dust buildup and have a regular cleaning routine.  

The Power of the Grid

The grid distributes solar energy throughout your business, ensuring there is always power available when you need it. This makes the grid very useful for any business setup.  

Solar Storage

Solar energy can be stored, thanks to solar inverters. The electricity generated by the panels is used for daily needs, and any excess energy is stored in a solar battery for later use.  

The Solar Power Assembly

A functional solar power system includes solar panels and a commercial solar battery. This setup allows the system to absorb more sunlight and store excess energy for future use. 

What Size is a Commercial Solar Panel System?

solar energy

A commercial solar system is defined as one with a capacity of 10 kilowatts (kW) or more. For comparison, the average home solar system is usually between 5 and 6 kW 

Choosing the right size solar panel system for your business depends on your energy usage and needs. Here are the categories for commercial solar systems 

Less than 30kW

  • These systems are similar to residential solar systems, easy to install, and follow the same rules for connecting to the grid 
  • Ideal for small businesses with high daytime energy usage 
  • Full access to the Small-scale Technology Certificates (STC) scheme makes them cost-effective

Less than 100kW

  • Suitable for small retail businesses, local clubs, sports groups, and small-to-medium office buildings 
  • These systems generate significant energy and require approval from the local electricity provider (DNSP) 
  • Full access to the STC scheme. It’s important to work with an experienced commercial solar provider for a smooth installation process 

More than 100kW

  • Typically used by small to medium factories, hotels, and larger office spaces 
  • These large systems are for businesses with high energy consumption 
  • These systems are not eligible for the STC scheme but can access Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) 

More than 250kW

  • Reserved for large locations like shopping centers 
  • May need specialized installers, additional grid protection, and permissions from electricity providers and local councils 
  • Any system above 30kW needs a commercial solar specialist to handle the necessary permissions and connections to the grid 

Before choosing a system, consult with a licensed solar professional to discuss your business’s energy needs 

What is the Difference Between Residential and Commercial Solar Panels?

While both residential and commercial solar panels use sunlight to generate power, they differ in size, efficiency, and mounting.  

Commercial Solar:

  • Larger in size 
  • More cells (96 or 72-cell models) 
  • Require 120 to 400 panels 
  • Can be ground-mounted or rooftop-mounted 

Residential Solar:

  • Smaller in size 
  • Fewer cells (60-cell models) 
  • An average of 19 panels 
  • Typically rooftop-mounted 

Commercial solar panels are physically larger than residential ones and have more cells, allowing for greater energy output. Most commercial panels come in 96 or 72-cell models, compared to the 60-cell panels used for homes. 

For a commercial property, a 100kW system usually needs around 400 panels, while a 30kW system requires about 100 panels.  

However, the actual number of panels needed can vary based on the specific products used, how the panels are placed, and the weather conditions at your location. 

Additionally, you need to decide if rooftop solar panels are suitable for your property or if a ground-mounted system would be better due to your property’s design and shading.  

What Rebates Are Available for a Commercial Solar System?

Commercial solar

There are two types of rebates for commercial solar systems, depending on the system’s size: Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) and Large-Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs). 

Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

  • Eligibility: Solar systems under 100kW. 
  • Benefit: Provide a discount on the initial purchase of the system. 
  • Calculation: Based on the expected energy output over a certain period. 
  • Process: The discount is typically included in the initial quote for the system. 

Large-Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs)

  • Eligibility: Solar systems over 100kW. 
  • Benefit: Provide rebates that need to be claimed annually. 
  • Process: Businesses must register with the Clean Energy Regulator and submit annual reports to the Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) Registry. This is similar to filing a tax claim. 
  • Assistance: A commercial solar installer can help with the registration and claiming process. 

What Finance and Payment Options Are Available?

With the growth of solar and renewable energy, funding solar projects is becoming more affordable. Here are some key options for financing commercial solar systems. If you’re unsure which is best for you, speak to your accountant.  


If you have the money, you can simply pay for the system upfront. Some businesses prefer to avoid debt, while others use financing options to keep their cash available for other uses. 


A business asset loan is typically the cheapest way to finance a solar system. The interest rate depends on your business’s credit risk and can be financed over up to 10 years. 


A lease is similar to a loan, but the finance provider technically owns the solar system. This can have tax implications, so it’s important to discuss this option with your accountant. 

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

A PPA is a unique financing option for energy. Instead of paying a fixed amount like a lease, you pay a discounted rate for the energy generated by the system.  

Green loans

A green loan could be another option for financing a commercial solar system. These are loans provided by financial institutions for ‘environmentally friendly’ purposes. 

Lenders will likely quantify environmentally friendly causes differently, so it is critical to understand your options from the start. 

Choosing the right option can be challenging. Cyanergy’s solar expert can help you understand your choices so you can discuss them with your accountant and make the best decision.  

How does Commercial Solar Boost Business Growth in Australia?

Commercial solar in australia

Commercial solar boosts business growth in Australia by helping companies save money on energy costs, which can be significant. Businesses reduce their dependence on the grid and lower their electricity bills. This means more money can be invested back into the business. 

Using solar energy also enhances a company’s reputation as environmentally friendly. Customers and clients appreciate businesses that are committed to sustainability, which can attract more customers and improve sales.  

Moreover, solar power can protect businesses from rising energy prices. Since solar energy is free once the system is installed, companies are less affected by increases in electricity rates. 

Government incentives and rebates for installing solar systems can also reduce the initial investment cost, making it more affordable for businesses to switch to solar power.  

Why Choose Cyanergy As Your Commercial Solar Partner

Every commercial solar solution we present to our partners is specifically tailored to their needs. 

Our 10 years of tailored solutions have assisted our 467+ commercial partners in obtaining government funding to reduce energy costs, become self-sufficient, and lower their carbon footprint.  

We provide real-world solutions to help you achieve your objectives through our financing options, government programs, and internal project management team. 

Contact Cyanergy today! And don’t forget to get a free solar quote  

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