How Going Green Can Improve Employee Morale

By 2025, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce worldwide. Did you also know that 75% of millennials are eco-conscious, to the extent of changing their buying habits in favour for environmentally friendly products (source). To keep these enviro-warrior workforce motivated requires forward thinking like, business sustainability management, societal contribution, etc. These not only stimulate the employees but also persuade your target customers to actively engage with your business.  Inducing many companies to think how going green can improve employee morale.

Our economy depends on our efforts, and the future of the planet depends on our actions, so from every which angle going green makes perfect sense for businesses today.  

I have outlined 5 key area’s that can assist in improving employee morale while still staying green below: 

The Sense of Job fulfillment – Active Participation

Studies show that 71% of the major workforce do actively engage in conversation regarding climate change and talks about taking measures to mitigate its effects. This means most of them do care about how they can contribute to aiding the global crisis. When businesses take measures to their part and incorporate environmentally friendly ways to conduct it, employees also feel like they are doing something positive for society. This reinforces a sense of job fulfillment.  

51% of professionals today say they won’t work for an organization without significant social or environmental impact. (source) So, to keep up employee morale, it is of utmost priority for businesses to participate in extensive CSR activities.  

business sustainability

Retain & Recruit Top Talent

Going green doesn’t only generate satisfied consumers. When working with green companies, employees feel safer. Participating employees in corporate green projects improve morale. Employees believe their health is taken care of and that they are valued individuals rather than disposable goods. Employees don’t want to leave a location where they feel like they are a part of a work community that cares; thus, this is also a smart approach to lower turnover. 

A study of 1,000 young workers conducted by TheTalentPeople found that 33% of respondents believed that climate change had impacted their job search. More than twothirds (68%) of those polled expressed a desire to work for an organization that is actively contributing to the sustainability of the world. 

How Can Businesses Go Green?

Businesses can go green by implementing new strategies and tweaking old workplace practices.  

But the biggest evil that we encounter as a business in our way of adopting eco-friendly ways is non-renewable sources of energy. The only solution is alternative power sources that are renewable and do not emit GHG. Examples of such sources are – solar panels, hydropower, wind turbines, etc.  

Solar Panels- The Easiest Way to Go Green

Among all of the options to adopt a renewable energy source, the solar panel is the easiest, most affordable option right now. For businesses, it makes even more sense because it requires little to no maintenance and space. Your rooftop can be the home for the panels to generate enough energy to run the place. On top of minimizing dependency on fossil fuelrun grid power, it reduces your businesss carbon footprint.  

Other than that, solar panels reduce your electric bill to almost ZERO. This is a step that can drive your business in the right direction where employee morale can be boosted with a green change, also  

reduce reuse recycle

The Small Changes with Huge Impact

Other than companies taking big steps towards betterment, there are also some small changes that can leave behind a huge impact. For instance- 

  • Shifting office work completely online to become eventually paperless 
  • Implementing the 3R strategy- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle  
  • Carpooling with the team so that everyday business travel emissions can go down  
  • Turning off the unnecessary gadgets  
  • Introducing work-from-home opportunities (In the UK, GHG emissions fell by 25% during morning commutes)  

In conclusion, the approach of adapting to greener alternatives benefits your business in more than one way. It improves employee engagement and productivity by a huge margin, reduces business costs, and saves money in the long run; it paints a positive picture in your customers mind of you, lessens carbon footprint, and so much more. So, how going green can improve employee morale? That’s how! 

Go green today and achieve new heights as a team. Contact us for a complimentary solar quote.  

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