Victoria’s Solar Homes Program Number 1 Hot Water Heat Pump Installer For July is Cyanergy

We’re thrilled to announce that Cyanergy has again been recognised as Victoria’s number 1 Hot Water Heat Pump Installer for the second consecutive month! This reflects our exceptional performance in the approved applications under the NETCC program for 2024, as documented in the latest Solar Victoria reports.

What Does This Mean for You and the Planet?

Significant Carbon Savings: Over the past two months, we have collectively saved approximately 3,200 metric tons of CO2. To put this into perspective, it’s like removing over 700 cars from the road for an entire year! Our commitment to reducing carbon emissions is at the core of what we do.

Trusted by Thousands: Our top ranking is a direct result of the trust and satisfaction of thousands of Victorians who have chosen Cyanergy for their hot water heat pump installations. Our customers appreciate our high-quality service and the reliability of our systems.

Proven Expertise: At Cyanergy, we pride ourselves on our technical expertise and adherence to the highest standards. Each hot water heat pump installation is carried out by our skilled team, ensuring that you receive a reliable and long-lasting heating solution. We’re dedicated to providing you with the best products and services available.

Verified Performance: The Solar Victoria tables confirm our consistent leadership in the industry, detailing our record of approved applications each month under the NETCC program. This validation underscores our ongoing commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

Commitment to Excellence: Our continued top ranking highlights our dedication to delivering outstanding service and ensuring that our customers are completely satisfied. At Cyanergy, we are driven by our mission to offer the highest quality hot water heat pump products and support.

Why Choose Cyanergy?

  • Locally Owned and Operated: As an Australian-owned company with over 10 years of experience in electrification, we are deeply invested in providing top-notch service to our local communities.
  • Expert Installations: Our team has extensive experience and training in hot water heat pump systems, ensuring that each installation is performed to the highest standards.
  • Customer Focused: We are committed to understanding and meeting your needs, providing personalized solutions that fit your specific requirements.

Whether you’re considering a hot water heat pump for the first time or looking to upgrade your current system, now is the perfect time to choose the experts who are trusted by Victorians.

This achievement is more than just a number; it represents our collective effort towards a greener future. Every installation makes a difference, and together, we’re taking significant steps towards a healthier planet. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us!

For more information about our hot water heat pump services or to schedule your installation, visit Cyanergy’s Hot water heat pump page

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