10 Best Waste Reduction Strategies For Australian Homes

Many choices we make every day affect the Earth a lot. When the economy grows, more waste is produced.  

It’s like the more we use, the more we produce waste. Also, there are more people now, so we need more products. This means there’s more waste. 

We have some tips to help you make small changes that are good for the environment and will last a long time. In fact, we have listed the 10 best waste reduction strategies for Australian homes 

Now, let’s talk about Australia. Even though fewer people live here than in other countries, we still make a lot of waste. 

In an average Australian home, a family makes enough trash to fill up a three-room house, making about 2.25 kg of waste daily. It shows how much waste Australia makes.

Ways to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Reducing, reusing, and recycling are simple ways to help the environment and reduce waste. Here are some easy tips for each: 


  • Use reusable bags when shopping instead of plastic bags. 
  • Say no to single-use plastics like straws, water bottles, and utensils. 
  • Buy products with less packaging or in bulk to reduce waste. 
  • Choose products with minimal packaging whenever possible. 


  • Use reusable water bottles and coffee cups instead of disposable ones. 
  • Repurpose glass jars and containers for storage or crafts. 
  • Donate or sell items you no longer need instead of throwing them away. 
  • Repair or refurbish broken items instead of replacing them. 


  • Separate recyclables like paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, and metal from your trash. 
  • Check local recycling guidelines to ensure you’re recycling correctly. 
  • Buy products made from recycled materials to support the recycling industry. 
  • Encourage others to recycle by educating them about its importance. 

Incorporating these simple practices into your daily routine can positively impact the environment and help reduce waste. 

Types of household waste

reduce waste
  • Organic waste 
  • Paper, Plastic 
  • Packaging 
  • Aluminum and steel 
  • Electronic waste (e-waste) 
  •  Bathroom, toilet, and laundry waste 
  • Kitchen and food waste,  
  • Coffee and hot beverage pods, capsules, and discs 

Importance of Waste Reduction at Home

Reducing waste at home in Australia isn’t just a good idea. It’s essential for several reasons. 

Firstly, when we produce less waste, we’re actively helping the environment. Waste often ends up in landfills, where it can take a long time to break down and release harmful gases like methane, contributing to climate change. 

Moreover, waste can end up in our oceans and rivers, harming marine life. Reducing the amount of waste we produce can minimise these negative environmental impacts and help preserve natural habitats. 

Secondly, waste reduction conserves valuable resources. Many products we use daily, such as plastics and paper, require significant resources like water, energy, and raw materials.  

By using these resources more efficiently and generating less waste, we can help conserve them for future generations. This is especially important in a country like Australia, where water resources can be limited, and biodiversity is precious. 

Thirdly, reducing waste can save us money in the long run. We save on purchasing goods and disposal fees when we buy less and waste less.  

Many local councils charge fees for collecting and disposing of household waste, so reducing our waste output can reduce these expenses. 

Also, reducing waste creates a cleaner and more organised living environment. Clutter and excess waste can make our homes feel chaotic and stressful.  

Minimising waste and being more mindful of what we bring into our homes can create a more comfortable and pleasant living space for ourselves and our families. 

Lastly, reducing waste sets a positive example for others to follow. When our friends, family, and neighbours see us reducing waste, they may be inspired to do the same. 

We can contribute to a broader cultural shift towards more sustainable living practices, benefiting our communities and the planet. 

In conclusion, reducing waste at home in Australia benefits the environment, our wallets, our well-being, and our communities.  

We can significantly impact the world by taking small steps to minimise waste in our daily lives. 

National Waste Policy Action Plan

The National Waste Policy Action Plan 2019 had goals and steps to implement the 2018 National Waste Policy. These goals and steps help Australia plan and work together until 2030 and beyond.  

They include: 

  • Stop exporting waste plastic, paper, glass, and tyres starting from the second half of 2020. 
  • Decreasing the total amount of waste made in Australia by 10% per person by 2030. 
  • Reaching an 80% average rate of getting back materials from all waste streams by 2030. 
  • Using more recycled materials by governments and businesses. 
  • Getting rid of plastics that cause problems and aren’t necessary by 2025. 
  • Cutting in half the amount of organic waste thrown into landfills by 2030. 
  • Sharing detailed and up-to-date information with everyone to help them make better choices about what they buy, invest in, and decide on. 

This plan helps the states, territories, local governments, businesses, and industries do a better job of managing waste and using resources repeatedly. 

10 Best Waste Reduction Strategies

Use Reusable Bottles or Cups:

Bring your reusable one instead of buying drinks in disposable bottles or cups when you’re out. It saves money and cuts down on waste. Plus, you won’t need to buy pricey drinks on the go. 

Start Reusable Bag Usage:

Bring reusable bags when you go shopping, not just for groceries. Write “BAGS” on your grocery list or keep them in your car so you won’t forget. Many stores even give a small refund for using your bags, which reduces plastic bag use. 

Choose products with less packaging:

Buy items with minimal packaging or packaging that can be recycled. Not all plastics can be recycled, so check the labels. Look for plastics labelled 1 or 2, usually accepted for recycling. Avoid plastics labelled 3 or 6, which are typically not recyclable. 

Start composting:

Did you know that a quarter of the products in your trash could be composted? Things like fruit and veggie scraps, eggshells, and coffee grounds can all be composted in your backyard. It takes some effort, but you’ll get nutrient-rich compost for your garden, saving money on fertilisers and watering.

Say no to single-use containers and utensils:

Avoid using disposable coffee cups, straws, utensils, and napkins. Bring your mug for coffee, keep reusable silverware at work, and skip the plastic straw. Using less of these items helps reduce waste and its environmental impact. 

Buy used items and give away what you don't need:

Instead of always buying new stuff, think about getting it used. You can find second-hand clothes at places like Goodwill or used furniture at stores like Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore.  

Even on Craigslist, you might find good deals on things like bikes. When you buy used stuff, you’re saving money, helping local charities, and keeping things out of the trash. 

Shop in Bulk from Local Farmer’s Markets:

Going to your nearby farmers market is great because you support local farmers and get fresh food. It’s usually better than what you find in big grocery stores because it doesn’t have to travel as far.  

Plus, local farmers often use less packaging. Some even let you bring back containers from last time. Buying food in bulk from stores that offer this option is also good because you use less packaging, but don’t forget to bring your containers.

waste reduction

Use less paper:

Nowadays, many companies can send your bills by email instead of mail. Some stores even give electronic receipts, which are more challenging to lose. If you like magazines, consider getting digital subscriptions instead of paper ones. They’re often cheaper, too.  

You can also stop getting unwanted mail-like ads by contacting certain companies or websites. If you get a lot of grocery store ads in your mailbox, talk to your mail carrier, and they can help you stop getting them.  

Go for package-free lunches:

Use a durable lunch box with sections so you don’t need plastic wrap or packaging. Try reusable wraps like beeswax wraps to keep sandwiches fresh. Pour yogurt from a big container into a small reusable one to save plastic and money. 

Swap your plastic toothbrush:

Try a bamboo toothbrush instead of a plastic one. These are easy to find and biodegradable. This small switch can stop many plastic toothbrushes from filling landfills for hundreds of years. 

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