Commercial Energy Audits Opportunities and Benefits

Electricity prices in Australia keep going up. Big businesses can handle this by paying or making their customers pay more.

If you own a small or medium-sized business in Australia, checking your energy usage with a commercial energy audit can help you find ways to use less electricity and save money.

Big buildings and businesses use a lot of energy because they’re large and have big machines and electrical systems. This means they get big bills for energy and produce a lot of CO2, which is terrible for the environment.

Things like Heat pumps, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems use up about 40% of all the energy these buildings use. But there are ways to save energy and money with these systems.

Typically, the people who manage these buildings hire others to care for the systems that keep them running smoothly. But these maintenance people often need more time to think about saving energy.

Getting a separate energy audit can help your company save money and energy.

What are Commercial Energy Audits?

A business energy audit examines how much energy your organization uses and finds any wasteful habits. It doesn’t have to take a long time. The main aim is to find places to use energy more efficiently, like solar power, which can save money and reduce environmental impact.

During an energy audit, everything is checked, including the outside and inside the building, the things used inside and outside, and how all the systems work together.

Understanding the Commercial Energy Audit Process

Energy audits are a powerful way to understand and improve how much energy is used in commercial spaces.

Let’s look closely at each step of this careful process:

Data Collection

The energy audit starts with gathering lots of data in a detailed and organized way. This includes:

  • Energy Usage: Keeping careful records of how much energy is used to see patterns and unusual things.
  • Building Details: Looking closely at the building’s size, layout, insulation, and other features.
  • Past Energy Use: Studying how energy has been used to find trends and areas that need attention.


Once all the data is collected, experts examine it closely. They focus on:

  • Energy Use Patterns: Looking for places where energy is wasted or lost to find ways to improve.
  • Possible Improvements: Finding areas where things could be changed to use less energy.
  • New Technology: Checking out the latest tech to see if it could help save energy.


Using all the information gathered, auditors create a detailed report. This report gives specific advice on how to make the building more energy efficient. The recommendations cover things like:

  • Upgrading Equipment: Suggestions for getting new, more energy-efficient machines.
  • Changing Habits: Tips for changing how things are done to save energy.
  • Using Renewable Energy: Exploring options like solar power or wind energy.
  • Insulation and Sealing: Ideas for making sure the building keeps heat in during winter and out during summer.


With the advice from the audit, businesses can start making changes. This step is about actually doing things to improve energy efficiency.

The main parts of this step include:

  • Setting Priorities: Deciding which recommendations to start with based on what’s practical and will make the most difference.
  • Making Investments: Thinking carefully about how much it will cost to make changes and how much it will save in the long run.
  • Keeping an Eye on Progress: Regularly check to see if the changes work and adjust as needed.
  • Being Flexible: The process continues. It’s important to keep looking for ways to save energy and adjust plans accordingly.

Why Should You Do an Energy Audit for Your Business?

There are several reasons why it’s a good idea for every business to do an energy audit:

  • Save Money on Energy Bills
  • Find Broken Equipment
  • Make Employees More Comfortable
  • Learn About Better Energy-Saving Systems
  • Reduce Pollution
  • Make Equipment Last Longer

One big reason to do an energy audit is to save money in the long run. Studies show that an energy audit can help businesses reduce their energy use by up to 30% using smarter practices and technologies.

It also helps find problems early. For instance, if your heating or cooling system leaks air, an energy audit can find and fix the issue, saving you lots of money over time. Plus, it makes workplaces more comfortable for employees.

New energy-saving ideas are constantly popping up, but many business owners need to learn about them. With an energy audit, you’ll likely discover newer, more efficient technologies that could save you even more money.

Also, it’s good for the environment. More and more, consumers like to support businesses that care about the environment and take steps to use less energy.

Investing in better systems saves energy and makes your equipment last longer since it doesn’t have to work as hard as older machines.

Tips for Doing A Commercial Energy Audit for Your Business

Doing an energy audit can be done in many ways. It’s important to remember that every business is unique and has different energy needs.

Ideally, you should hire a professional to do an energy audit for you, but there are some things you can do yourself to get started.

Here are some tips to help you:

Check Equipment Maintenance: Ensure you follow your equipment’s maintenance schedule and are serviced regularly.

Evaluate Heating and Cooling Appliances: Find out how old your heating and cooling systems are and if they need to be replaced.

Monitor Room Temperature: Check if you’re only heating or cooling the rooms that are being used.

Use Timers: See if timers are installed in different parts of your building to control energy consumption.

Look for Air Leaks: Check for any leaks that could be wasting energy.

Install Programmable Thermostats: Use programmable thermostats to control heating and cooling more efficiently.

Set Temperature Settings: Set your heating or cooling temperature between 24 and 27°C in winter and 18 and 21°C in summer.

Proper Placement of Thermostats: Ensure thermostats are in the right places and away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

Insulate Ductwork: Insulate ductwork to reduce energy loss.

Consider Variable Speed Equipment: Replace constant speed motors with variable speed equipment if possible.

Improve Airflow: Make sure nothing is blocking airflow in your building.

Assess Water Heating: Check how much energy is used for water heating and if it matches the expected usage.

Evaluate Lighting: Hire an expert to check if the right lights are installed in the right places.

Use Task Lighting: Consider using task lighting to avoid unnecessary lighting in large areas.

Switch to LEDs: Use LED lights for more energy efficiency throughout your business.

Maximize Natural Light: Find ways to use natural sunlight more effectively in your building.

These steps can help you start a DIY energy audit. But it’s a good idea to hire a professional to thoroughly check all your equipment.

While professional services may cost money upfront, they can save you money in the long run.

Plus, you’ll learn about other energy-efficient equipment available in the market that can help you save even more money over time.

Benefits and Opportunities of Commercial Energy Audits for Australian Businesses

Cost Saving

One big reason businesses in Australia do energy audits is to save money. They can significantly reduce their energy bills by finding and fixing energy-wasting habits.

Often, the money they save is much more than they spend on the audit, making it a smart financial move.

Helping the Environment

Using less energy is not only good for the wallet but also for the planet. Businesses using less energy produce fewer harmful gases, contributing to climate change. This helps make the world a healthier place to live in. Being eco-friendly can improve a business’s image, showing that they care about the Earth.

Meeting Rules

Australian states have strict rules about saving energy. Regular energy audits help businesses make sure they’re following these rules. Not following them can lead to hefty fines, so audits are essential to stay on the right side of the law.

Building a Good Reputation

Showing your business cares about the environment can make customers like you more. People who care about the Earth prefer to support companies that also care. By saving energy, businesses can attract more customers and keep them loyal.

Better Work Environment

Improving energy efficiency often means making the workplace friendlier for employees. Better insulation, lighting, and well-controlled temperatures create a more comfortable and productive workspace.

When employees are happy and comfortable, they work better, which is good for business in the long run.

Usually, a business can reduce how much energy it uses by about 30% with a thorough energy audit. Smart business owners always try to save money and energy with rising electricity prices.

Save Money with Solar Power Systems for Your Business

Solar power systems have become very popular for homes in Australia, with many people putting solar panels on their roofs. By getting good-quality, efficient solar panels, businesses can also benefit from solar power.

Cyanergy is a top choice for installing, repairing, and servicing solar panels in Hervey Bay. Our experts can help you find ways to lower your energy costs. Talk to an expert or get a free solar quote today!

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